Author: Ali Raza

In Sufi mysticism, two key spiritual principles—Faqr (spiritual poverty) and Tawakkul (trust in Allah)—are deeply interconnected. Together, they form the foundation of the Sufi path toward attaining closeness to Allah. Faqr represents the inner state of renouncing worldly attachments, while Tawakkul signifies placing complete trust in Allah for all matters, whether worldly or spiritual. In the teachings of Sufi masters, these concepts complement each other, leading the seeker to spiritual enlightenment and union with the Divine. Faqr: The Essence of Spiritual Poverty Faqr, or spiritual poverty, is not merely the absence of material wealth but the realization that everything in…

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Hazrat Ali ibn Abi Talib (R.A.), the fourth Caliph of Islam and the cousin and son-in-law of the Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W.), holds a revered position in the spiritual and intellectual traditions of Islam, particularly in Sufism. His teachings form the core of the concept of Faqr (spiritual poverty), which is a fundamental element in the Sufi path. As the “Gateway to Knowledge” and the spiritual leader of many Sufi orders, Hazrat Ali (R.A.) insights into humility, detachment from worldly desires, and complete reliance on Allah laid the foundation for Faqr, a state that symbolizes total surrender and love for the…

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Sultan ul Arifeen Sultan Bahoo, recognized as Sultan ul Faqr V, is one of the most venerated figures in the realm of Sufism. Born in 1628 CE in the Shorkot area of Punjab, Pakistan, Sultan Bahoo spiritual wisdom, poetry, and teachings have had a profound influence on Islamic mysticism. His name, “Bahoo,” meaning “With God,” reflects his constant state of divine presence and closeness to Allah. Sultan Bahoo legacy as a Sufi saint and his contribution to the Faqr tradition remain a guiding light for seekers of truth and spiritual enlightenment. Early Life and Spiritual Inclination Sultan Bahoo was born…

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Hazrat Shaikh Sayyid Abdul Razzaq Jilani is honored as Sultan ul Faqr IV in the spiritual hierarchy of Sufism, carrying forward the profound legacy of his illustrious father, Hazrat Shaikh Abdul Qadir Jilani (Ghaus-e-Azam). Born into a family renowned for its piety, spirituality, and commitment to the path of Faqr (spiritual poverty), Shaikh Abdul Razzaq became an essential figure in the Sufi tradition, particularly within the Qadiri order, which was established by his father. Shaikh Sayyid Abdul Razzaq Jilani is remembered not only for his devotion and deep knowledge of Islamic mysticism but also for his ability to guide seekers…

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Hazrat Shaikh Abdul Qadir Jilani, also known as Ghaus-e-Azam and Sultan ul Faqr III, is one of the most revered and influential figures in the history of Islamic mysticism (Sufism). Born in 1077 CE in the small town of Jilan (Gilan), Persia, he went on to become a towering spiritual authority whose teachings continue to resonate with millions of people worldwide. Known as the “King of Saints,” his title Ghaus-e-Azam (The Supreme Helper) reflects his unparalleled status in the spiritual hierarchy. As the third among the esteemed Sultans of Faqr, he holds a pivotal role in the dissemination of the…

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Imam Hasan al Basri (may Allah be pleased with him) is the Sultan ul Faqr 2nd.  The seed of Sufism is said to have existed from the beginning of human creation with the an-Nur of Prophet Mohammad. The origin of Sufism in the Sarwari Qadri order started with Prophet Mohammad. The real definition of Sufism is Faqr which is transferred by Prophet Mohammad. The status of Sultan ul Faqr is granted by the holy Mohammadan assembly. Imam Hasan of Basra was first person after People of the Cloak (Ahl al-Bayt) who attained the extreme status of Faqr. He got a cloak (khirqah) of spiritual succession…

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This year’s celebration of Mawlid un Nabi S.A.W. at Masjid e Zahra, organized by the Tehreek Dawat e Faqr, was a grand success, with the Langer department delivering an exceptional service. The entire event was marked by an atmosphere of devotion, love, and unity, which was beautifully reflected in the way the community meal (langer) was managed and distributed. The arrangements for the langer were outstanding, and the efforts of the Tehreek Dawat e Faqr volunteers truly made this a memorable experience for all attendees. The seating was meticulously planned, with everyone being guided to sit in neat, organized rows,…

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Hazrat Shah Inayat Qadiri (RA) was a renowned Sufi saint of the Qadiri order, hailing from Sindh, present-day Pakistan, during the late 17th and early 18th centuries. His life and teachings had a profound influence on the development of Sufi thought in the region and continue to inspire spiritual seekers. Life and Background Shah Inayat Qadiri was born in Miranpur, Sindh, and later settled in Jhok, where his teachings attracted a large following. He was a spiritual guide (Murshid) who belonged to the Qadiri Sufi order, founded by the great Sufi master Abdul Qadir Gilani (RA). His life was marked…

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Sultan Mohammad Asghar Ali (RA), the 6th Sultan-ul-Faqr, is widely revered for his profound efforts to revive the spiritual tradition of Faqr in the modern world. As a beacon of divine wisdom and Sufi mysticism, his life and teachings offer timeless guidance for those seeking a deeper connection with Allah amidst the distractions and materialism of contemporary society. Sultan Mohammad Asghar Ali’s spiritual legacy continues to inspire countless devotees, illuminating the path of Faqr (spiritual poverty) as the ultimate route to Divine love and closeness. The Essence of Faqr: A Life of Spiritual Poverty Faqr, as taught by Sultan Mohammad…

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A Path of Divine Guidance Sultan ul Ashiqeen Sultan Mohammad Najib-ur-Rehman, a revered spiritual leader in the realm of Sufism, offers profound insights into the role of Sharia (Islamic law) as a pathway to both outward discipline and inward purity. His teachings emphasize that Sharia is not merely a set of legal rules but a comprehensive system designed to guide Muslims toward a life of righteousness, justice, and closeness to Allah. Sultan ul Ashiqeen explains that Sharia, as established by the Quran and the Sunnah (traditions of the Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him), is essential for a Muslim’s spiritual…

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