Sultan ul Auliya Sultan Mohammad Abdul Aziz rehmat-ul-Allah alayh holds the status of 29th Shaikh of Sarwari Qadri order. He was born on March 12, 1911 (12th Rabi al-awwal 1329 Hijri) in Garh Maharaja, Jhung, Pakistan. His lineage links back to Sultan Bahoo in eighth generation. He was born circumcised and with cut naval which are signs that he was undoubtedly a Saint by birth. His father, Sultan Fateh Mohammad was a Dervish and Mystic.
Vision of spiritual guide as first sight
After birth Sultan Mohammad Abdul Aziz did not open his eyes until the seventh day. His father worriedly took him to the shrine of Sultan Bahoo. At that time Sultan Pir Sayyid Mohammad Bahadur Ali Shah was coincidently present there. Sultan Fateh Mohammad requested Pir Bahadur Ali to bless his son so that he would open his eyes. As soon as he (Pir Bahadur Ali Shah) held the baby in his lap, the baby opened the eyes. In this way, his first view was his spiritual guide’s countenance.
Al-Ghawth al-Azam Shaikh Abdul Qadir Jilani entitled Sultan Mohammad Abdul Aziz as Sultan ul Auliya meaning ‘Sultan of all Saints’.
Who did Sultan ul Auliya pass the treasure of Faqr?
It was destined from eternity that Sultan Mohammad Abdul Aziz will pass on the heritage of Faqr to his son Sultan Mohammad Asghar Ali who adorns the status of Sixth Sultan ul Faqr. Hence, he did not have to search for the heir of Divine Trust.
Sultan Mohammad Abdul Aziz died on April 12, 1981 (7th Jumada ath-thani, 1401 Hijri). His shrine is half kilometer away from the shrine of Sultan Bahoo in Garh Maharaja, Jhung, Pakistan.
Comprehensive book on the life of Sultan ul Auliya
To read complete biography of Sultan Mohammad Abdul Aziz please read Chapter # 5 of the book The Spiritual Guides of Sarwari Qadri Order
This book is an English translation of the book ‘Mujtaba Akhar Zamani’ which is written by the present Saint of Sarwari Qadri order Sultan-ul-Ashiqeen Sultan Mohammad Najib-ur-Rehman.