What is Faqr ?
Faqr is an Arabic word and is commonly known among the masses as poverty, destitution and hard times. It literally means indigence but Mystics describe it as that purpose of a person’s life.
Faqr and Prophet (S.A.W):
The Prophet said:
- Faqr is my pride and Faqr is from me.
- Faqr is my pride and Faqr is from me and Faqr is the reason of my superiority over all the Prophets and Messengers.
- Faqr is one of the treasures of Allah.
Faqr and Allama Ibn-e-Arbi
A renowned Sufi scholar, Sheikh al-Akbar Ibn Arabi, delves into the profound concept of faqr in his writings. Faqr is not merely the absence of material possessions but a spiritual state of detachment and surrender to the Divine.
Ibn Arabi’s exploration of faqr offers a unique perspective on the path to spiritual freedom. He argues that by embracing faqr, individuals can liberate themselves from the constraints of worldly desires and attain a deeper connection with God.
The scholar’s writings on faqr have been widely studied and appreciated by scholars and spiritual seekers worldwide. His insights continue to inspire and guide those seeking to understand the true meaning of spiritual liberation.
Sultan-ul-Ashiqeen said about Faqr:
Sultan-ul-Ashiqeen the Perfect Faqeer of this era said:
“Faqr is the path of gnosis of Allah and Divine Vision if some one truly understands it”
To Know more about Faqr please read this book “Sufism the Soul of Islam”
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