The Five Pillars of Islam are the fundamental beliefs and practices that form the core of the Islamic faith. These pillars provide a framework for Muslims to live their lives in accordance with God’s teachings.
- Shahada: The declaration of faith is the first pillar of Islam. Muslims must sincerely believe that there is no god but Allah, and Muhammad (S.A.W) is His messenger.
- Salat: Performing ritual prayers five times a day, facing the Kaaba in Mecca, is the second pillar. These prayers serve as a connection between the individual and God.
Prophet Mohammad (S.A.W) said, βIn my ummah two (kinds of) people stand for Salat, their bowing and prostration seem to be alike but there is a lot of difference in Salat of these two, one has the Divine presence of heart and soul and the other is deprived of it.β
To know more about Salat please read this book
- Zakat: Giving to charity as a percentage of one’s wealth, is the third pillar. It is a means of purifying one’s wealth and helping those in need.
To know more about Zakat please read this book
- Sawm: Fasting during the month of Ramadan, abstaining from food and drink from dawn until dusk, is the fourth pillar. It is a time for spiritual reflection and self-discipline.
Ghawth al-Azam Shaikh Abdul Qadir Jilani said:
Fasting of sharia is to refrain from eating, drinking and intercourse from dawn till dusk. Whereas, the fasting of tariqa9 is for both the physical and spiritual selves as it indicates that a person should refrain physically and spiritually from all the things that are prohibited by sharia, as well as from all the esoteric evils such as pride, arrogance, greed, malice, rancor, narcissism etc. A person’s fast of tariqa will break if he commits any of these sins. The fasting of sharia has a set time (from dawn till dusk in the month of Ramadan), however the fasting of tariqa is permanent and is for the entire life.
1To know more about Fast please read this book
- Hajj: Making a pilgrimage to Mecca if physically and financially able, is the fifth pillar.
Hajj, in Islam, apparently is an occasional worship with certain obligatory rituals incumbent to perform once in a lifetime, but when seen through the pure form of shariah and spiritual prospect, its define the whole life of a believer.
To know more about Hajj please read this book
Those who fulfill the basic five obligations which are called the five pillars of Islam, feel themselves at ease as if they have addressed their responsibility fully and achieved something great because they have followed the orders practically. However, each of the five obligations require an internal spiritual commitment and intention. If that is not met, the deed is undoubtedly like a body without soul-hollow, rotten and dead.