Love for the Holy Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) holds a central role in a Muslim’s faith, as highlighted by Hadith that illustrate the necessity of loving the Prophet more than oneself, family, or worldly possessions. This love is essential for completing one’s faith and adhering to Islam’s teachings.
Love for the Prophet (PBUH) is intertwined with divine love, as obedience to him is obedience to Allah. Allah, in the Qur’an, refers to the Prophet with titles of honor, emphasizing his lofty status and the deep reverence due to him. True love for the Prophet (PBUH) purifies the heart, leading to spiritual and moral perfection.
Four key aspects are mentioned in the Qur’an (Surah Al-Araf 7:157) for the success of the Muslim ummah: belief in the Prophet, veneration and reverence for him, supporting his religion, and following the Qur’an. The examples of the Prophet’s companions, like Umar, Abu Bakr, and Ali, serve as models of love, veneration, and sacrifice for the Prophet (PBUH) and Islam.
In modern times, Muslims are encouraged to follow the Prophet’s mission by spreading his teachings, adhering to the Qur’an, and supporting Islam. Contemporary spiritual leaders, like Sultan-ul-Ashiqeen Sultan Mohammad Najib-ur-Rehman, are praised for continuing to uphold and propagate the Prophet’s teachings.