Sultan ul Tarikeen Syed Mohammad Abdullah Shah is the 26th Shaikh of the Sarwari Qadri order. He is the spiritual guide of this order after Sultan Bahoo. He went to India from Madina on the order of Prophet Mohammad and got the Trust of Faqr from Sultan Bahoo.
Sultan ul Tarikeen was born on Friday night of 29th Ramadan, 1186 H (24th December, 1772) in Madina.
Genealogy of Sultan ul Tarikeen from Paternal Side
His ancestry reaches Ali ibn Abi Talib through Shaikh Abdul Qadir Jilani and it is as follows
Sayed Abdullah Shah son of Abdul Raheem son of Abdul Aziz son of Sayed Abdul Rehman Jilani Dehlvi son of Abdul Qadir son of Sharfuddin son of Ahmed son of Alauddin Sani son of Shahabuddin Sani son of Sharfuddin Qasim son of Mohiyuddin Yahya son of Badruddin Husayn son of Alauddin son of Shamsuddin son of Saifuddin Yahya son of Zaheeruddin Masood son of Abi Nasr Mohammad son of Abu Saleh Nasr son of Shaikh Sayyid Abdul Razzaq Jilani son of Shaikh Abdul Qadir Jilani.
Genealogy Sultan ul Tarikeen from Maternal Side
Again from maternal side, his ancestry reaches Ali ibn Abi Talib but through Imam Sayyid Mohammad Taqi. Given that his genealogical chain is as follows:
Sayyida Momina daughter of Mohammad Zakiuddin son of Abdullah son of Mohammad Mubeen son of Ameer Akhwand son of Imamuddin son of Haider son of Mohammad son of Feroz son of Qutbuddin son of Imamuddin son of Fakharuddin son of Kamaluddin son of Badruddin son of Tajuddin son of Yahya son of Abdul Aziz son of Ibrahim son of Mehmood son of Zaid Shehwar son of Abdullah Zarbakhsh son of Yaqoob son of Ahmed son of Mohammad Aarij son of Ahmed son of Mohammad Musa al-Muberakah son of Imam Sayyid Mohammad Taqi son of Imam Sayyid Ali Raza son of Imam Musa Kazim son of Imam Jafar Sadiq son of Muhammad al-Baqir son of Zayn al- Abidin son of Husayn ibn Ali son of Ali ibn Abi Talib.
Shah Sahib
Jilani and Madni
Sultan ul Tarikeen Shah died on Friday afternoon, 29th Ramadan, 1276 H (20th April, 1860) in his khanqah in Ahmadpur East and is buried there.
Sultan ul Tarikeen shrine is in Fatani Chowk, Ahmadpur East, district Bahawalpur, Pakistan.
Who built the present shrine of Sultan ul Tarikeen?
During the life of Sultan-ul-Tarikeen, one of his disciples expressed a keen desire to build his shrine. He did not give him permission and said: “My shrine would be constructed by somebody who will be exactly like me.” In 2012, Sultan-ul-Ashiqeen Sultan Mohammad Najib-ur-Rehman left no stone unturned to make sure the renovation and reconstruction of the shrine happens in correspondence to the architecture of the shrine of Sultan Bahoo. He also requested in his Holy court to resume his spiritual beneficence for the seekers of Allah, which was gladly accepted in his sacred court.
For Detail view on Life of Sultan ul Tarikeen Read this Book