On every occasion, Sultan ul Faqr Publications has published new books. This year, on 12 Rabi ul Awal 1446 AH, they released two new titles: Risala Roohi Sharif and Haqeeqat-e-Eid Milad-ul-Nabi.
English translations
For Urdu translations
Introduction about Books
Celebration of Mawlid al-Nabi
The lord of the worlds Prophet Mohammad (pbuh) privileged humanity by manifesting in the world which was in a state of utter chaos before him. Mawlid or the birthday of Allah’s beloved Prophet Mohammad was celebrated with all the unheretical practices for approximately thirteen hundred years. It is only after the Ottoman Empire that a kind of debate on the celebration of his birthday is continued.
Risala Roohi Sharif
Risala Roohi Sharif is one such Divine Message; concise, comprehensive and complete conveyed to us through the mosteminent Sufi Saint of the Sub Continent, Sultan Bahoo. He has written 140 books, of which Risala Roohi Sharif is the most popular and is the essence of all his teachings.