The wise words of Hazrat Ali (Radi Allahu Anhu) are a beacon for humanity. His sayings cover every aspect of life, especially Faqr, piety, justice, knowledge, patience, and the reality of the world. Below are some other sayings of Hazrat Ali (RA):
1. “The greatest act of worship is patience in times of difficulty.”
Explanation: Everyone faces hardships in life, but true success lies in facing them with patience. Hazrat Ali (R.A.) teaches that patience is not just about enduring difficulties but is also a form of worship that strengthens faith.
Lesson: Instead of complaining, we should remain patient and trust that Allah will bring ease after hardship.
2. “The reality of this world is that it is a house of deception.”
Explanation: Hazrat Ali (R.A.) reminds us that the world is temporary, and everything in it will eventually perish. Those who become too attached to wealth and status forget the true purpose of life, while those who focus on Allah’s guidance attain real success.
Lesson: We should not chase worldly desires but instead prepare for the Hereafter, which is eternal.
3. “Knowledge is better than wealth because knowledge protects you, whereas you have to protect wealth.”
Explanation: Wealth can be stolen or lost, but knowledge is a lifelong asset that helps a person grow in wisdom and character. A knowledgeable person earns respect, while wealth alone does not bring true honor.
Lesson: We should seek knowledge as it increases wisdom and remains with us forever.
4. “When you feel weak, make patience your shield.”
Explanation: There are moments in life when we feel helpless. Hazrat Ali (R.A.) advises us to use patience as a shield to protect ourselves from despair. When we remain patient and trust in Allah, we gain the strength to overcome any hardship.
Lesson: Patience is a powerful tool that helps us stay strong in tough times.
5. “Silence is a sign of wisdom.”
Explanation: Sometimes, staying silent is wiser than speaking unnecessarily. Hazrat Ali (R.A.) teaches that wise people do not speak without purpose. Speaking too much can lead to misunderstandings and problems.
Lesson: We should think before we speak and avoid unnecessary conversations.
6. “The weakest person is the one who stops praying.”
Explanation: Prayer (dua) connects us to Allah. Hazrat Ali (R.A.) says that the weakest person is the one who gives up on praying. Without prayer, we lose hope and guidance in life.
Lesson: No matter what happens, we should always pray because it brings peace and blessings.
7. “Your biggest victory is to control your desires.”
Explanation: The most difficult battle is not against others but against our own desires. Hazrat Ali (R.A.) teaches that true strength is in controlling our emotions and not letting greed or anger take over.
Lesson: We should focus on self-control and discipline to lead a successful life.
Hazrat Ali (R.A.)’s sayings teach us valuable lessons about life, patience, wisdom, and self-control. By following these teachings, we can live a peaceful and successful life both in this world and in the Hereafter.
Are we ready to apply these wise lessons in our lives?