The presence of the Mohammadan Assembly is the wish of many seekers. Seekers can attain this presence through the invocation and contemplation of Ism-e-Allah Zaat and Ism-e-Mohammad (S.A.W.), under the guidance of a spiritual mentor who has received permission from the Court of Mohammad (S.A.W.).
Below are quotes from Sultan-ul-Ashiqeen that ignite the fire of love and deepen the longing to attain the presence of the Assembly of Mohammad (S.A.W.).
- Quotes of Sultan ul Ashiqeen about Majlis Mohammadi (S.A.W)
The Mohammadan Assembly still exists today as it used to be in the times of the Companions. - Perhaps there is no such writing of Sultan Bahoo in which he has not mentioned the Mohammadan Assembly. According to his teachings, the Divine vision and eternal presence in the Mohammadan Assembly are two such sublime stages in the spiritual world that no other level is higher than these.
- In the path of Reality, the Mohammadan Assembly guides and helps the seeker cover the stages of gnosis of Allah.
- For the privileged Companions of the Holy Prophet, his sacred countenance was Ism-e-Allah Zaat and his sacred being was Ism-e-Mohammad. Now the only source to access the court of the Holy Prophet i.e. the Mohammadan Assembly, is contemplation of Ism-e-Allah Zaat and Ism-e Mohammad provided it is acquired from the person who is spiritually permitted by the Holy Prophet to grant it. This fact discloses upon the seeker on the very first day of the contemplation of Ism-e-Allah Zaat or Ism-e-Mohammad that he has got them from the court of the perfect spiritual guide by their radiant effects.
- The seeker can never find presence in the Mohammadan Assembly through the superficial daily devotional practices and recitals whether he continues performing hard mystic exercises throughout his life, as the guidance on the esoteric path is granted only by the perfect spiritual guide who has authority upon it.
- Presence in the Mohammadan Assembly is the most important spiritual station which cannot be completely explained in words. This is the station of truth of certainty which can be comprehended only when one actually experiences it. He who reaches there, becomes familiar with its reality. Only after having presence in the Mohammadan Assembly, the seeker is blessed with the vision of Allah.