Sultan-ul-Ashiqeen is the man of Divine Essence, the perfect spiritual guide and the Universal Divine Man, who possesses the absolute light of guidance.
About the Universal Divine Man, Sultan Bahoo remarks:
- The enchanting existence of the Universal Divine Man is the maze of the treasure of the Divine name and Essence. (Nur-ulHuda Kalan)
The person in who’s being Divine Essence is fully manifested, passes through a series of tests and trials from an early age of his life so Allah can verify his sincerity and submission to Divine will. If we look at the life of Sultan-ul-Ashiqeen, we can observe that his life is a plethora of both physical and spiritual hardships and trials, crossing them successfully to let him reach the stations of annihilation and immortality with Allah and eventually ascended him to the rank of perfect spiritual guide.
His teachings are important for everyone, no matter where they live or what time it is, and they help with all kinds of situations like religious, economic, social, political or public.
Quotes about Ones of Allah
- Allah is the ultimate force behind everything. There is no helpe besides Him, no one fulfils needs except Him and no one provides sustenance but Him. Health, honour and power come solely from Allah.
- Oneness of Allah means that only Allah exists in the inward and the outward.
- To reach the station of Oneness of Allah, it is important to detach from the love, desire and fear of everyone and everything other than Allah. Being indifferent to everything besides Allah is Oneness
Quotes about Ism-e-Allah Zaat
- The invocation of Ism-e-Allah Zaat enlightens the invoker’s inward with light of faith.
- The personal name of Allah (Ism-e-Allah Zaat) is the Divine Essence and is specific for His glorified Divine Essence.
- Like Allah Himself, His name is also unprecedented, peerless and unique because of its astonishing spiritual significance, meaningfulness and perfection.
- Everyone has a name distinct from his essence or being. However, Allah Almighty, being unique and without partners, is Singular and One regarding both His name and Essence
- Contemplation of Ism-e-Allah Zaat kills the inciting self, vivifies the soul and bestows the state of Divine presence. Allah accepts all worships performed in this state, while worship without Divine presence is mere pretence
Quotes about Loyalty and Sacrifice
- The greatest Sunna is to sacrifice each and everything in the way of Allah.
- Loyalty and sacrifice in the path of Divine love demand unwavering faithfulness of the seeker in every circumstance. When he is required to sacrifice in the path of Truth, he does not turn his back and expects no reward in return
- Claim of Divine love without loyalty and sacrifice is false.
- Incident of Karbala is the perfect and eternal narration of Divine love, loyalty and sacrifice that made ‘Karbala’ the synonym for ‘Divine love’.
For a more detailed reading of the quotes, please read this book.