Ism (name) of Allah is His Zaat (Self or Essence) and for Allah be glorified, it is specific. Well known scholars of Islam state that this name is neither an infinitive noun nor derivative i.e. neither it is derived from any word nor any word can be derived from it. Unlike other attributive names of Allah, It cannot be applied metaphorically on anyone. Thus, this name is perfectly pure of combination or application. Like Allah Himself, His name is also the One, only and (Meaning: He neither begat nor was begotten).
It is the personal name of Allah and its recitation develops a special relationship between Allah and His slave. The Holy Quran mentions this name four thousand times. The Arifs3 consider „ ‟ to be the Ism-e-Azam4. This name encompasses all the Divine attributes within itself. Hence, when a person remembers Allah with the Name „ ‟, he actually calls upon all the attributive names of Allah simultaneously. It is the unique quality of this name which is not possessed by any other attributive name. Imam Razi elaborates this point in a very beautiful manner
He Says:
No doubt! When you remember Allah with His names of Compassion i.e. you say O‟ Rehman (the Most Beneficent) or O‟ Raheem (the Most Merciful), you only invoke His attribute of Compassion not of Wrath and Majesty. Similarly if you remember Him by the name of „the All Knowing‟ i.e. you say O‟ Aleem, you only invoke His attribute of omniscience not of omnipotence. But when you say Allah you invoke all the Divine attributes because Elah (the One to be worshipped) is the One who possesses all the Divine attributes.
Hazrat Ali Razi Allah Anhu says:
- Your pain is within you and you do not know that its remedy also lies inside yourself. You do not notice but imagine that you are merely a tiny body whereas a large world is abridged within you and you are that enlightened book whose letters reveal the hidden thing. (Mirat-ul-Arifeen)
- I saw my Lord in my heart with the eye of (true) faith.”
- It is the saying of Hazrat Ali razi Allah anhu, “I do not pray Allah Almighty unless I see Him”.
Hazrat Bulleh Shah says:
الف اللّٰه نال دل رَتا میرا
مینوں ب دی خبر نہ کائی
ب پڑھیاں مینوں سمجھ نہ آوے
لذت الف دی آئی
بلھیا قول الف دے پورے
جیہڑے دل دی کَرن صفائی
My heart has been illuminated by Ism-e-Allah Zaat, I do not know any other knowledge or recital. Even if I try, I am unable to understand the outward knowledge. I find pleasure only in the invocation of Ism-e-Allah Zaat because it is the most effective invocation which has the power to cleanse the heart and purify the soul.
Sultan Bahoo has written 140 books and every book is an explanation of Ism-e-Allah Zaat. The way he has explained the reality, splendour and secrets of Ism-e-Allah Zaat, no one else could do.
خیال خواندن چندیں کتب چرا است ترا
الف بس است اگر فہم ایں ادا است ترا
Meaning: Why are you so obsessed with reading books? If you are wise then you must know that 36 (Alif) i.e. invocation of Ism-e-Allah Zaat is enough for you, as it will reveal upon you all the secrets of the universe without reading books. (Kaleed-ul Tauheed Kalan)
Sultan ul Ashiqeen says:
- Invocation and contemplation of Ism-e-Allah Zaat lead to two supreme spiritual stations: Divine vision and presence in the Mohammadan Assembly. These exalted stations cannot be attained through any other form of worship or invocation. These two are considered as the pinnacle of spiritual ascent.
- It is important to invoke Ism-e-Allah Zaat under the guidance and supervision of a perfect spiritual guide who is not only aware of the core secrets and subtleties of Ism-e-Allah Zaat but also possesses full command over the contemplation of Ism-e-Allah Zaat and is the man of Divine Essence.
To get presence in Assembly of Majlis Mohammadi S.A.W and Divine Vision get invocation and contemplation of Ism-e-Allah Zaat. From the Spiritual guide of this era Sultan ul Ashiqeen Sultan Mohammad Najib-ul-Rehman the 31st spiritual guide of Sarwari Qadri Order.