Sacrifice is the pre-requisite to enter the world of Faqr and Sufism. It is the door to this path. Since the Essence of Allah is infinite, the journey is also endless. Hence, there is no limit to sacrifice and its living example is Sultan-ul-Ashiqeen himself. He selflessly sacrificed everything he had, purely for the sake of Allah with such passion, sincerity and love that his spiritual guide Sultan-ul-Faqr VI Sultan Mohammad Asghar Ali took him to the highest level of closeness to Allah within a moment. Thus, he was satiated completely.
Sacrifice is also important because only the inward which is empty of all desires can become the abode of Allah as He does not appreciate any partner. The dignity of Allah is so exalted and holy that He only resides in a chamber of peaceful solitude with grace. This is why it is significant to sacrifice each and everything for His sake. When a person becomes empty handed with an empty inward, the Essence of Allah manifests Itself. The one who does not embrace sacrifice, the reality does not embrace him. This is how man spends his entire life being away from Allah. How can a person bear witness of One Allah when his inward is the home of idols!
Sacrifice is not only the path but also the key to this path. Consistency in sacrifice with the same or increasing enthusiasm is also a main element in this journey. This is what opens the ways and grants cognition of the reality. This cognition leads to the secret of Truth. Unless one attains the reality, he is surrounded with dangers. Sacrifice provides protection from these dangers. Therefore, the more one sacrifices, the more ways are unlocked for him. This eases the way and such inward cognition is gained which reveals the reality and makes it obvious. In this way, the seeker is his own decision maker that whether his journey will be short or long. The time he takes to empty his hands and inward is the time he takes to reach Allah. Now the seeker should decide for himself that whether he will present himself in the court of his spiritual guide beheaded or keep making excuses prolonging his journey himself. Allah commanded the Holy Prophet:
Meaning: (O Mohammad!) Do not take (any of) them as an ally until they migrate (abandon their houses and everything) for the cause of Allah. (4:89)
What kind of a seeker is he who claims to be a seeker of Allah yet hesitates from sacrificing in His way although he is well aware of the reality! For a true believer, sacrifice is more of a way of life i.e. sacrificing every moment for Allah. However, the reality of sacrifice does not dawn upon a person unless he enters the court of a true lover of Allah (the perfect spiritual guide). If a person so desires to make this reality a part of his life, then at least once he should come to the court of the Sultan of lovers, Sultan-ul-Ashiqeen Sultan Mohammad Najib-ur-Rehman with humility and sincerity.