Zikr means remembering Allah. It is a very special way to feel closer to Him.
The Quran tells us, “By remembering Allah, hearts find peace” (Surah Ar-Ra’d 13:28).
The most effective zikr is the zikr of Ism-e-Allah Zaat.
By doing zikr, we draw closer to Allah and attain divine closeness, as well as the divine vision and presence of Majlis-e-Mohammadi (S.A.W).
What is Ism-e-Allah Zaat?
Ism-e-Allah Zaat is, in fact, the Divine Essence and is specific to His glorified Divine Self. Renowned Islamic scholars state that this name is neither an infinitive noun nor derivative. It cannot be derived from any other word, nor can any word be derived from it. Unlike other attributive names of Allah, it cannot be applied metaphorically to anyone. Thus, Ism-e-Allah Zaat is perfectly pure, free of combination or application.
Reciting Ism-e-Allah Zaat (Zikr Allah) develops a special relationship between Allah and His slave. Furthermore, the Holy Quran mentions this name four thousand times. Mystics regard Allah (اَللّٰہُ) as His greatest name (Ism-e-Azam), and it is the best form of zikr.
Shaikh Abdul Qadir Jilani and the Invocation of Ism-e-Allah Zaat
When a person says Allah (اَللّٰہُ) once with a true heart, then nothing other than Allah should remain in his heart.
(Al-Fath ar-Rabbani)
Sultan ul Arifeen Sultan Bahoo and Ism-e-Allah Zaat
Sultan Bahoo explains the magnificence of Ism-e-Allah Zaat in these words:
- Listen! All four holy books i.e. Taurah, Gospel, Psalms and Quran are just the explanation of Ism e Allah Zaat (Personal Name of Allah). What is Ism e Allah Zaat (Personal Name of Allah)? Ism e Allah Zaat (Personal Name of Allah) is exactly the Divine Essence.
(Ain-ul-Faqr) - Keep in mind that the ascension of Holy Prophet to the station of QabQausain higher than the Throne, the Chair, the Pen, the Tablet and then talking to Allah without any veil was only due to the benediction of Ism e Allah Zaat (Personal Name of Allah) because Ism e Allah Zaat (Personal Name of Allah) is the key to both worlds. The seven layers of earth and skies are stable without any pillar only because of Ism e Allah Zaat (Personal Name of Allah). All Prophets got Prophethood and won over the disbelievers only due to the power of Ism e Allah Zaat (Personal Name of Allah).
اسم اعظم انتہائے باھو بود
ورد باھو روز و شب “یا ھو” بود
Translation: By the invocation of Hoo ( ھُو ), which is the greatest name of Allah (Ism e Azam), a seeker finds the extreme closeness of Hoo. That is why, Bahoo remains busy in the invocation of ‘Hoo ھُو ’ day and night.
باھو ھو برد باآور برد
ہرکہ بہ آں عین بیند کہ نمرد
Translation: Hoo ( ھُو ) came and took Bahoo with Him, Bahoo became immortal by annihilating in Hoo. This is not strange at all because the one who has the privilege of beholding Hoo, never dies. (Ain-ul-Faqr)
ابتدا “ھو” انتہا “ھو” ہر کہ با “ھو” می رسد
عارفِ عرفاں شود ہر کہ با “ھو” “ھو” شود
Translation: Hoo ( ھُو ) is the beginning and Hoo is the finality. Whosoever reaches ‘Hoo’, becomes Mystic (Knower of Allah who prays Allah while seeing Him). By annihilating in ‘Hoo’, he himself becomes Hoo.