Sufi poetry is known for its deep meaning and ability to touch hearts everywhere. Poets like Rumi, Bulleh Shah, and Sultan Bahoo wrote about love, faith, and finding peace within oneself. Their words are still loved and read by many people today.
Maulana Jalaluddin Rumi:
Rumi, a 13th-century Persian poet, wrote about the love between humans and God. He used simple ideas like love and longing to explain deep truths. One of his famous lines is, “You were born with wings, why prefer to crawl through life?” He taught people to look beyond the world and focus on their spiritual journey.
Bulleh Shah: The Voice of Equality
Bulleh Shah, a Punjabi poet from the 18th century, wrote about equality and breaking social rules. His famous poem “Bulleya ki jaana main kaun” (Bulleya, who am I?) talks about finding oneself and the connection to God. He believed that love and kindness mattered more than religious or social labels.
Sultan Bahoo
Sultan Bahoo, Punjabi Sufi poet, wrote about finding God within yourself. His poetry, like in Abyat-e-Bahoo, often use the word “Hoo” to describe the presence of God. He told people to let go of their ego and focus on inner peace to feel close to the divine. He emphasized spiritual growth and finding a perfect spiritual guide who teaches you how to find Allah.
The Below given book is collect of Sultan Bahoo Poetry compiled by Sultan ul Ashiqeen Sultan Mohammad Najib ur Rehman the perfect spiritual guide of Sarwari Qadri Order.

A Message of Unity
Even though these poets lived in different times, their message is the same: love, unity, and finding God through inner reflection. Their teachings remind us that all humans are connected, and real peace comes from within.
Today, their poetry inspire people to live with love and kindness, showing that their wisdom will never grow old.