Sultan Bahoo, a renowned Sufi saint from the 17th century, is revered for his deep spiritual teachings and mystical poetry. Among the central themes of his teachings is the concept of the Murshid Kamil, or the Perfect Spiritual Guide. In the Sufi tradition, the Murshid Kamil holds a position of immense importance, acting as a beacon of light guiding the seeker on the path to spiritual enlightenment and closeness to the Divine.
Murshid Kamil Akmal (perfect spiritual guide) is the mediator between Allah and His seeker. Allah orders that one must search for him. He says in the Quran:
يٰۤاَيُّهَا الَّذِيۡنَ اٰمَنُوا اتَّقُوا اللّٰهَ وَابۡتَغُوۡۤا اِلَيۡهِ الۡوَسِيۡلَةَ
Meaning: O believers! Fear Allah persistently and keep looking for a mediator to (approach and get closer to) Him. (al Ma’idah 35)
The first and foremost quality of Murshid Kamil Akmal (perfect spiritual guide) is that he grants the invocation and contemplation of Ism e Allah Zaat.
Sultan Bahoo Says:
Murshid Kamil Akmal (perfect spiritual guide) grants the seeker invocation of Ism e Allah Zaat and also orders him to practise inscribing Allah’s name on body. He takes the seeker to the Divine presence by his spiritual attention. While, the imperfect and false spiritual guide just makes false promises. (Nur ul Huda Kalan)
The Murshid Kamil (perfect spiritual guide) is like the pure soul whereas imperfect spiritual guide is like a dog. (Majalisa tul Nabi Khurd)
The spiritual guide who does not grant the contemplation of Ism e Allah Zaat is not worth guiding. (Nur ul Huda)
Murshid Kamil (perfect spiritual guide) is the one, who not only blesses the seeker with invocation of Ism e Allah Zaat but also grants its contemplation. The spiritual guide who cannot give (invocation and contemplation of) Ism e Allah Zaat to the seeker is not a true spiritual guide. (Nur ul Huda Kalan)
Murshid Kamil (perfect spiritual guide) bestows Ism e Allah Zaat to the seeker of Allah on the very first day. (Kaleed e Jannat)
The first sign to identify Murshid Kamil (perfect spiritual guide) is that love Prophet Mohammad and Allah increases in his company. According to Sultan Bahoo the result of the invocation and contemplation granted by the spiritual guide witnesses the degree of his being perfect or Murshid Kamil. If there is spiritual progress, renunciation of the world from inward and engrossment in Allah, then he is Murshid Kamil. Hence, one must be submissive to such a perfect spiritual guide.
Without the spiritual guidance of the perfect spiritual guide success in Faqr is impossible. He is the key to spiritual awakening.
Sultan-ul-Ashiqeen Sultan Mohammad Najib-ur-Rehman is the Murshid Kamil Akmal (the perfect spiritual guide) of this era. He is the present Shaikh of Sarwari Qadri order and Sultan Bahoo’s spiritual descendant. He grants Ism e Allah Zaat with and without pledge of allegiance to everyone without any bias to enlighten inwards with Faqr. He has spiritual websites, spiritual Books and magazines and most importantly gives spiritual coaching to those who seek Allah.