“Sufism: The Soul of Islam” is a book authored by Sultan ul Ashiqeen Hazrat Sakhi Sultan Mohammad Najib-ur-Rehman, a prominent spiritual leader and Sufi saint of the Sarwari Qadri order. In this book, he explores the essence of Sufism as the core and spirit of Islam, focusing on the inner, spiritual journey that connects a believer directly with the Divine.
Here are some key aspects of the book:
1. Definition and Understanding of Sufism
The book defines Sufism as the heart of Islamic teachings, focusing on the purification of the soul and achieving a direct, personal connection with Allah. It emphasizes that Sufism is not separate from Islam but rather its spiritual dimension. Through the practices of Sufism, a Muslim aims to reach higher levels of spirituality, beyond mere ritualistic observance.
2. The Concept of Divine Love (Ishq)
Central to the teachings of Sultan ul Ashiqeen is the idea of divine love or Ishq. This love transcends the material world and is the driving force behind a Sufi’s journey towards closeness with God. The title “Sultan ul Ashiqeen” means “King of Lovers,” reflecting his focus on attaining spiritual elevation through the love of Allah.
3. The Role of a Spiritual Guide (Murshid)
A major theme of the book is the importance of the Murshid, or spiritual guide, in the Sufi path. In Sufism, the Murshid is essential for guiding the disciple (Murid) through various stages of spiritual development, helping them overcome their ego (Nafs) and leading them to enlightenment (Fana Fi Allah). Sultan ul Ashiqeen explains the characteristics of a true spiritual guide, particularly in the Sarwari Qadri order.
4. Stages of Spiritual Development
The book outlines the various stages of spiritual growth in Sufism, from repentance (Tawbah) to total submission and annihilation in the Divine (Fana Fi Allah). These stages represent the purification of the heart and soul, enabling the seeker to detach from worldly distractions and focus solely on the pursuit of Allah’s presence.
5. Sufism as the Soul of Islam
Sultan ul Ashiqeen emphasizes that Sufism embodies the true essence of Islam, as it is concerned with internal devotion, love for God, and spiritual insight. He argues that while the outer aspects of Islam (Sharia) are important, they are incomplete without the inner spiritual practice that Sufism offers. Sufism, according to the author, revives the essence of Islam by focusing on the Tazkiya (purification) of the soul.
6. Critique of Materialism and Religious Formalism
The book critiques the materialism of modern society and the tendency to focus solely on the outward forms of religion, neglecting the inner essence of faith. Sultan ul Ashiqeen encourages readers to embrace a more profound and personal relationship with God through meditation (Muraqaba), remembrance of God (Dhikr), and following the teachings of a true spiritual guide.
7. Teachings of Sultan Bahoo
As a Sufi master of the Sarwari Qadri order, Sultan ul Ashiqeen draws heavily from the teachings of Sultan Bahoo, a renowned Sufi saint of the 17th century. Sultan Bahoo doctrine of Faqr (spiritual poverty) and annihilation in God is central to the book, emphasizing that true Sufism involves renouncing worldly desires and focusing solely on achieving closeness to Allah.
8. The Role of Dhikr (Remembrance of God)
The book explains the importance of Dhikr, or constant remembrance of Allah, as a means to cleanse the heart and remain connected with the Divine at all times. This practice is essential in Sufism, as it keeps the seeker aware of God’s presence, ultimately leading to a state of perpetual awareness (Ihsan).
9. Sufism’s Influence on Islamic Civilization
The book also touches on the historical role of Sufism in shaping Islamic civilization. Sufi saints and scholars have played a significant part in spreading Islam through love, tolerance, and peace. The author presents Sufism as a unifying force that transcends sectarian divisions, promoting harmony among Muslims and non-Muslims alike.