Raingil Pur Lahore, Pakistan – Devotees from around the world gathered virtually to celebrate the sacred birthday of Sultan-ul-Ashiqeen Sultan Mohammad Najib-ur-Rehman, the founder and patron-in-chief of Tehreek Dawat e Faqr, on August 19th. The event was marked by a live online broadcast that drew thousands of viewers.
The live stream featured a variety of religious and cultural activities, including recitations from the Quran, soulful hymns, and heartfelt speeches commemorating the life and teachings of Sultan-ul-Ashiqeen. The event was a testament to the widespread reverence and love for the spiritual leader among his followers.
The celebrations of Sultan-ul-Ashiqeen Day was started on 18th August and continued till19th august 2024 and the Event was live on Youtube, Facebook, Instagram, Likee, Snack and Tiktok.
The Founder & Patron in Chief of Tehreek Dawat-e-Faqr and spiritual leader of Sarwari Qadri order Sultan-ul-Ashiqeen Sultan Mohammad Najib-ur-Rehman specially attended the event.
The online platform provided a convenient and accessible way for people from all walks of life to participate in the celebrations, regardless of their geographical location. The live stream was also a powerful tool for spreading the message of Sultan-ul-Ashiqeen and his teachings to a wider audience.

The sacred birthday of Sultan-ul-Ashiqeen is a significant occasion for his followers, who believe that his teachings offer a path to spiritual enlightenment and inner peace. The live online coverage of the event served as a reminder of the enduring legacy of this revered spiritual leader.