According to following Hadith:
اَلشَّیْخُ فِیْ قَوْمِہٖ کَنَبِیٍّ فِیْ اُمَّتِہٖ ۔
Meaning: A spiritual guide among his disciples is just like a Prophet among his nation. It means that the perfect and accomplished spiritual guide trains his disciples in the same way as the sacred Companions were by the Holy Prophet.
Who can sanctify our souls after Prophet Mohammad (pbuh)?
After Holy Prophet, the Tabi’un (contemporaries of the Companions) achieved sanctification of soul from the company of the sacred Companions. Next, the generation after them called Tabi al-Tabi’un got purgation from Tabi’un. This chain of beneficence is continued to date. Now, their spiritual successors sanctify the souls of the seekers of Allah in the same manner.
Undoubtedly, the Prophethood of Allah’s Messenger will last till the Day of Judgement. Therefore, till then his spiritual successors as the scholars of truth, Mystics and Saints will be present in every age. Certainly, all these sacred personalities inherited method of guidance, knowledge, morals, piety, faith and spiritual powers from the Holy Prophet.

Sultan-ul-Ashiqeen a strict follower of sharia
- Sultan ul Ashiqeen Sultan Mohammad Najib-ur-Rehman strictly follows sharia (Islamic law, also spelled sha’riah).
- Similarly, he guides towards it along with invocation and contemplation of Ism-e-Allah Zaat. His method of guidance for his disciples is to offer prayers regularly, fast, recite Islamic creed and send salutations upon the Holy Prophet (Durood).
- The Holy Prophet started guiding the sacred Companions from the house of al-Arqam (the first Islamic school). He taught them the knowledge of the Quran and wisdom.
- Also, he made them cross different trials and gave them different kinds of responsibilities.
- He spiritually enlightened the sacred Companions after they passed through spiritual and physical ordeals. Instead of forty days worship in seclusion and rounds of recitals, his spiritual attention purified their souls.
- Since, being perfectly on the footsteps of Prophet Mohammad, Sultan-ul-Ashiqeen guides and instructs his disciple in exactly the same manner.