A Path of Divine Guidance
Sultan ul Ashiqeen Sultan Mohammad Najib-ur-Rehman, a revered spiritual leader in the realm of Sufism, offers profound insights into the role of Sharia (Islamic law) as a pathway to both outward discipline and inward purity. His teachings emphasize that Sharia is not merely a set of legal rules but a comprehensive system designed to guide Muslims toward a life of righteousness, justice, and closeness to Allah.
Sultan ul Ashiqeen explains that Sharia, as established by the Quran and the Sunnah (traditions of the Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him), is essential for a Muslim’s spiritual and worldly life. He urges Muslims to understand that adhering to Sharia is not a restriction on personal freedom but a means to liberate the soul from the shackles of worldly desires and ego. His teachings frame Sharia as the foundation upon which a seeker can build their spiritual journey toward enlightenment and divine closeness.
“Sharia: The Roadmap to Divine Proximity”
One of Sultan ul Ashiqeen most powerful teachings is his emphasis on the interconnection between Sharia and spiritual growth. He frequently says:
“Sharia is the first step on the journey to God. Without this foundation, the soul remains bound by worldly attachments and cannot progress on the path of purification.”
In his words, the rules and guidelines set forth by Sharia provide the structure necessary for taming the lower self (nafs), which often leads individuals astray. Sharia teaches discipline, self-restraint, and moral conduct, all of which are essential for a seeker striving toward the greater goal of Ihsan (spiritual excellence).
Sultan ul Ashiqeen reminds his followers that Sharia is the sacred law given by Allah to protect humanity from injustice, chaos, and moral degradation. “When a believer submits to Sharia,” he explains, “they are, in truth, submitting to the will of Allah and aligning themselves with the divine order of the universe.”
“Sharia and Haqiqat: Two Sides of the Same Coin”
Sultan ul Ashiqeen teachings also delve deeply into the harmonious relationship between Sharia (the external law) and Haqiqat (the inner truth). He often explains:
“Sharia without Haqiqat is an empty shell, just as Haqiqat without Sharia leads to misguidance. True spiritual elevation can only be attained when the outward conforms to Sharia and the inward is illuminated by Haqiqat.”
In this, Sultan ul Ashiqeen emphasizes that while Sharia governs external actions—prayer, fasting, charity, and justice—it also nurtures the heart. It is through Sharia that one learns humility, sincerity, and devotion, paving the way for the soul to access deeper spiritual realities. This balance between the outer and inner aspects of faith is critical for those who walk the path of Sufism.
His teaching is a reminder that those who seek a higher state of spiritual awareness must begin by adhering to Sharia. Only by respecting the divine laws can one hope to purify the heart and attain closeness to Allah. “The purification of the heart,” he says, “is impossible without first disciplining the body and the mind according to the commandments of Sharia.”
“Sharia: A Bridge Between This World and the Next”
Sultan ul Ashiqeen views Sharia as a vital connection between the worldly life and the hereafter. He frequently mentions that the outward observance of Islamic law is directly linked to one’s success in the eternal life that awaits after death. He explains:
“Sharia is the bridge that takes the believer from this world to the next. It is the divine roadmap that guides us through the trials of this life and leads us to the eternal gardens of Paradise.”
He elaborates that adhering to the laws of Sharia, from daily prayers to upholding justice and truth, ensures that the believer remains on the straight path (Sirat al-Mustaqeem). Sultan ul Ashiqeen stresses that those who deviate from Sharia fall into spiritual darkness and lose their connection to the divine.
His teachings often emphasize that life in this world is fleeting, and only by following the path of Sharia can one ensure their success in the hereafter. “The temptations of this world,” he says, “can easily lead a person astray, but Sharia acts as a protective shield, keeping the believer focused on their ultimate destination—closeness to Allah.”
“Sharia: The Foundation of Unity in the Ummah”
Sultan ul Ashiqeen’s teachings also highlight the unifying power of Sharia within the Muslim community. He teaches that Sharia binds the hearts of believers together, creating a cohesive society built on shared values of justice, compassion, and righteousness. He often states:
“Sharia is not just a set of rules; it is the bond that holds the Muslim Ummah together. Through its principles, we are united in our worship, our ethics, and our way of life.”
In a time where disunity often divides the Muslim world, Sultan ul Ashiqeen reminds us that Sharia provides a common ground for all Muslims, regardless of cultural or social differences. By adhering to Sharia, Muslims reaffirm their connection not only to Allah but also to each other. He believes that only through unity under the banner of Sharia can the Muslim Ummah overcome its challenges and rise to its full potential.
His vision is one of a global Muslim community guided by the principles of Sharia, working together to promote peace, justice, and compassion. “When we follow Sharia,” he says, “we fulfill our responsibilities to one another and to Allah, creating a world that reflects the beauty and justice of Islam.”