The Divine Love is Origin of the Universe
“The origin of the universe is Divine love and the creation of man is for the sake of love. When the souls were created from the Mohammadan light, the exclusive essence of Divine love was inherited by the human souls from the Prophet. The passion of love must arouse in the inward of seeker for Divine vision. In fact the relation of the soul and Allah is that of love. Without love neither the soul awakes nor can it find ‘the Divine vision’. Love is present in the form of a seed within the human being. Although it is dormant but as soon as it awakes in the soul by the invocation and contemplation of Ism-e-Allah Zaat, inscribing the name of Allah on body and the attention of spiritual guide, the passion, longing and attraction for Allah start increasing.”

Following Sultan-ul-Ashiqeen Quotes are collected & extracted from Sultan-ul-Ashiqeen’s books or noted during his gatherings.
- The greatest lover of Allah is the one who, during their lifetime in this world, is not recognized as a lover of Allah. As Allah has said, “Some of my Saints are such that no one knows them except Me.” However, Allah reveals whom He wills for the benefit of the people.
- An ardent lover of Allah, no matter how much suffering he endures, does not show it to others. Instead, his face always remains cheerful, whether he is going through inner or physical torment. He does not even express his pain to Allah. Instead he bows his head in submission to His will.
- A lover of Allah has no fear of the fire of hell because he has spent his entire life burning in the flames of passionate Divine love, which is more intense than the fire of hell. The lover, after continuously burning in the fire of love, has become fire himself. His one sigh can extinguish the fire of hell.
- The way of Divine love (Ishq) distinguishes the genuine from the fraudulent ones.
- Divine love (Ishq) is not merely a verbal claim, rather, love is the state of mind in which a person becomes willing to stake their body, soul, and wealth for the beloved.
- The faith cannot be accomplished without Divine love (Ishq).
- The real test of love is taken with majesty. Everyone loves beauty. The worshipers of the inciting innerself become distant upon seeing the majesty of the beloved. Whereas, in true lovers it intensifies the longing and they progress towards the beloved more endearingly.
- Regard for the Beloved is the first and foremost rule of the Divine love.
- Divine love is painful. That is why, the lover is called sorrowful.
- A person cannot fall into passionate love for another person. Anyone who claims otherwise is a liar, because Allah Himself is the ardent love (Ishq), and it is love that begets love.
- The absolute eternal love for Allah is the only confirmation of success in His court.
- Divine love alone leads humans forward on the spiritual journey towards Allah.
- The ardent Divine love leads to the observation of Divinity and possesses the Essence of true mystic knowledge, but intellect has access to the superficial knowledge only.
- When the seeker of Allah crosses the limit of knowledge and intellect and enters the premises of Divine love, then the power of love helps him surpass all the spiritual stations and takes him to the station beyond the boundaries of time and space.
- The compassionate Divine love diminishes seeker’s objections in the way of Faqr and enlightens his inward which leads to the recognition of ‘Fakir annihilated in Allah’ (the Universal Divine Man).
- It is better to enlighten the inward with the flame of Divine love. This fire burns all kinds of doubts and disbeliefs and helps in attaining the absolute faith.
- The Divine lover follows the footsteps of the Beloved and never disobeys Him. His inward is replete with good wishes for the Beloved.
- People are afraid of the subsidiary troubles while the Divine lovers happily deal with enormous ordeals of the way that leads to Allah. They are fully aware of the disruptions in the way, still they untie their boat from the dock and venture through the stormy waves with steadfastness in their journey towards Allah.
- The Divine lovers are addressed in a unique manner in the court of Allah which is entirely different from the so-called religious scholars because the matter of Divine lovers is extremely special.