Here are some quotes attributed to Sultan-ul-Ashiqeen Sultan Mohammad Najib-ur-Rehman that reflect his teachings on the concept of oneness with Allah:
- “The path to Divine Oneness begins within. It is a journey of uncovering the light of Allah hidden within the depths of our own hearts. To reach Allah, one must erase the self and become a mirror that reflects only the Divine. In this state, the seeker realizes that there is nothing else but Allah, for He is closer to us than our own breath, the very essence of our being.”
- “The essence of Faqr is the realization that Allah alone exists in absolute Oneness. To reach this truth, the seeker must abandon all illusions of separation. The lover of Allah finds Him not in distant realms but in the depth of their own soul, and it is through dissolving the self that the Divine appears in His full majesty. Only in oneness with Allah can one find the true peace that surpasses all understanding.”
- “In the pursuit of Divine unity, every barrier within must fall. The seeker of Allah discovers that ego and pride veil the eyes from the Divine light that surrounds and fills everything. True seekers of Allah move beyond these illusions, letting go of every attachment and every identity until they see only Allah in every face, every heart, and every breath. This state of oneness reveals the truth: Allah is both manifest and hidden within every soul, filling each with His boundless presence.”
- “Oneness with Allah is the highest state of realization, where all that exists dissolves into the vastness of His love. It is not merely a concept or belief but a profound experience that touches the very soul. In the eyes of a true believer, everything reflects the Divine, for there is nothing in this world or the next but Allah alone. The seeker who reaches this state finds Allah everywhere, within and without, as the only reality that truly exists.”
- “To understand Divine unity is to know that Allah’s light illuminates every soul. True love for Allah is to recognize His presence in every aspect of creation, to see Him in every heart and every form. When the self dissolves in this realization, the seeker becomes a vessel for Divine love, compassion, and peace. Such a person no longer lives for themselves but exists only as a witness to the oneness of Allah.”
- “The love for Allah is a fire that purifies the heart, burning away every false identity and illusion until only Allah remains. This love leads the seeker into the secret of Divine unity, where all separation fades, and one finds Allah present in all things. In this state, there is no ‘I’ or ‘you,’ only Allah, the single and eternal reality that is closer to us than our own veins.”
- “In the realm of Divine unity, there is no ‘self’ and no ‘other.’ Allah is the beginning and the end, the seen and the unseen. The seeker who understands this becomes free from fear, desire, and attachment. They live only to serve Allah, to spread love, and to witness His light in every being. This is the beauty of Divine oneness: it brings the soul into harmony with all creation and fills it with the peace of the Divine.”
- “True faith is to dissolve the self completely in Allah’s will, to become like a drop merging into the ocean of Divine love. In this unity, the seeker realizes that they were never separate from Allah but a reflection of His light. The path of Faqr teaches that to love Allah is to lose oneself in Him, for only then does one find true freedom, contentment, and the everlasting presence of the Divine.”
- “Oneness with Allah is not something to be described, but something to be lived and felt in every breath. When the seeker transcends the world of form and reaches the essence of being, they experience Allah as the only reality. This is not a belief but a living truth, where everything in creation speaks of Allah, glorifies Him, and bears witness to His infinite presence. In such a state, the soul knows nothing but Allah, and every heartbeat becomes a reminder of His eternal unity.”
- “The journey to Divine oneness is a journey back to the true self. It is the path where the heart opens to love, dissolves in Divine light, and returns to its origin in Allah. In this state, the seeker realizes that their soul is not separate from the Divine but a part of His eternal reality. This is the beauty and majesty of Faqr – it reveals the secret of oneness with Allah, filling the heart with His love, wisdom, and light that shines eternally within and without.”
These teachings of Sultan-ul-Ashiqeen emphasize that the path of oneness with Allah is a journey of dissolving the ego, embracing Divine love, and recognizing the unity that exists within all creation. In this realization, every heart becomes a mirror of the Divine, every action a reflection of love, and every breath a testimony to Allah’s infinite presence.