The present perfect spiritual guide and leader of Sarwari Qadri Order of Sultan Bahoo, Sultan-ul-Ashiqeen Sultan Mohammad Najib-ur-Rehman says about his Murshid:
نجیبؔ ہوا انہی اداؤں سے گھائل، دلبر جانیسلطان محمد اصغر علیؒ مظہر ذاتِ ربانی
Explanation: O dear! (Sultan-ul-Ashiqeen Sultan Mohammad) Najib-ur-Rehman has been engrossed in the Divine love of his perfect spiritual guide. Sultan-ul-Faqr VI Sultan Mohammad Asghar Ali is the exact manifestation of Divine Essence.
Sultan-ul-Ashiqeen Sultan Mohammad Najib-ur-Rehman
Love, loyalty and sacrifice are not just conventional dialogues or literary references but the present perfect spiritual guide Sultan-ul-Ashiqeen Sultan Mohammad Najib-ur-Rehman is a living and everlasting example of this. The Divine love of Sultan-ul-Ashiqeen for his spiritual guide is visible throughout his life whether it is the search for the perfect spiritual or the responsibilities given to him by his Murshid, or financial or physical services or to carry out the responsibilities to spread Mohammadan Faqr (Sufism) after adorning the throne of Divine guidance and persuasion. Sultan-ul-Ashiqeen is the perfect example of true seeker of Allah as well as the perfect spiritual guide.
Sultan-ul-Ashiqeen is a role model for very seeker of Allah
The seeker wants to annihilate himself in the ocean of Divine love after observing the intensity of love of Sultan-ul-Ashiqeen. The intensity and passion of love, loyalty, sincerity and sacrifice of Sultan-ul-Ashiqeen is so strong every true seeker tries to code himself in this style of love. Indeed, Sultan-ul-Ashiqeen is the best example, title and exegesis on Divine love. Sultan-ul-Faqr VI Sultan Mohammad Asghar Ali chose him the heir of the Divine trust and as his superior spiritual successor due to his sincerity of intention and Divine love on March 21st, 2001 after approval from the court of Holy prophet (pbuh) at Masjid al-Nabwi.
Sultan-ul-Ashiqeen says about Divine love:
عشق کی ابتدا ہے دیدار و صحبت یار کی
عشق کا حاصل ہے محبت یار کی
عشق کی حقیقت، عشق ہے بس عشق
عشق کی انتہا ہے ذات یار کی
Explanation: The beginning of love is the vision and company of perfect spiritual guide. In fact, love is the result of love of spiritual guide. The reality of love is just love. The final destination of Divine love is the Divine Essence.
Services of Sultan-ul-Ashiqeen to his Spiritual Guide
غالب نمازِ عشق کی قبولیت محال
جب تک جگر کے خوں سے وضو نہ ہو
Explanation: The Divine love is not only exoteric state but it emerges from inward. Love demands sacrifice of everything for the Beloved. The extreme struggle, passion and sincerity of intention is necessary for Divine love. In fact, Divine love is that mental state which encourages a seeker to do anything for the Beloved to gain his pleasure.
- Sultan-ul-Ashiqeen Sultan Mohammad Najib-ur-Rehman sacrificed his everything in service of his beloved spiritual guide. He spent his lifelong savings for his spiritual guide.
- Sultan-ul-Ashiqeen would arrange the best clothes for his Murshid for every season, Eid, Mehfils and other events.
- He was selected for the publication of Monthly Mirat-ul-Arifeen and he performed this task in an excellent manner. Besides, the responsibility of other publications was also given to him.
- He was also ordered by his spiritual guide to establish Maktab-ul-Arifeen (a publications department). This department was established in April 2002 and majority of the Sufism books based on the teachings of Sultan bahoo were published under the banner of Maktab-ul-Arifeen. The most prominent are: Abyat-e-Bahoo, Guldasta Taleemat-e-Bahoo, Swanih-e-Hayat Sultan Bahoo, Risala Roohi Sharif, Haqeeqat Ism-e-Allah Zaat and Guldasta Abyat-o-Manajat Pir Mohammad Bahadur Ali Shah.
- In addition, Sultan-ul-Faqr VI Sultan Mohammad Asghar Ali handed over the responsibilities of the Bayat-ul-Maal (finance department) of Islahi Jamaat and the Almi Tanzeem-ul-Arifeen. He carried out all the responsibilities in a very sincere and admirable manner.
- For convenience and comfort of his spiritual guide Sultan-ul-Faqr VI during travelling, he bought a new 1999 model imported Toyota Hilux (4 × 4 Double Cabin) for his spiritual guide and presented it to him.
- In 1999, Sultan-ul-Faqr VI Sultan Mohammad Asghar Ali said, “About 6.5 acres of the land we have in use for the shrine belongs to other Sahibzadas. They want to sell it. If they sell it to someone else, the land of our shrine will become narrow and we will have no way out. They are demanding Rs 2.5 lakh per acre.’’ Sultan-ul-Ashiqeen Sultan Mohammad Najib-ur-Rehman provided 14 lakh rupees for his spiritual guide.
- Once in July 2000, when Sultan-ul-Ashiqeen visited the shrine during the summer season, he saw that his spiritual guide Sultan-ul-Faqr VI was drenched in sweat in the scorching heat and there was only one fan in the room which was insufficient due to the crowd. He immediately returned and bought an air conditioner and installed it in the room of his spiritual guide at shrine. No one was allowed to open this room. In the evening, he called out in fear and said to Sultan-ul-Faqr VI, “I have made a mistake?” He asked which one? Sultan-ul-Ashiqeen said, “I opened your room for the first time without your permission to install air conditioner.” Sultan-ul-Faqr VI said happily, ‘’Make such a mistake every day.”
- After that, when Sultan-ul-Faqr VI visited Uchali in June, he called Sultan-ul-Ashiqeen from there and said, “Brother Najeeb-ur-Rehman! There is a lot of suffocation here after the rainfall in Uchali. Now send an airconditioner here too.’’
- In 2001, Sultan-ul-Faqr VI Sultan Mohammad Asghar Ali intended to perform Hajj but there were no arrangements for Hajj. Sultan-ul-Ashiqeen had already spent all his wealth in the way of Allah. He arranged Hajj expenses by selling his car.
There are numerous incidents of Sultan-ul-Ashiqeen related to his services for Sultan-ul-Faqr VI which are difficult to narrate in one article but for complete study one can read the book “Sultan-ul-Ashiqeen” which is based on his life.