Sultan Mohammad Asghar Ali (RA), the 6th Sultan-ul-Faqr, is widely revered for his profound efforts to revive the spiritual tradition of Faqr in the modern world. As a beacon of divine wisdom and Sufi mysticism, his life and teachings offer timeless guidance for those seeking a deeper connection with Allah amidst the distractions and materialism of contemporary society. Sultan Mohammad Asghar Ali’s spiritual legacy continues to inspire countless devotees, illuminating the path of Faqr (spiritual poverty) as the ultimate route to Divine love and closeness.
The Essence of Faqr: A Life of Spiritual Poverty
Faqr, as taught by Sultan Mohammad Asghar Ali (RA), is not about material deprivation but about detaching oneself from worldly desires and ego, allowing the heart to be filled with the love and light of Allah. He would often explain that true spiritual poverty is a state of the heart where the soul recognizes its utter dependence on the Divine. In his words:
“Faqr is the highest station of nearness to Allah, for when a person is free from worldly attachments, they become a true servant of Allah. The one who embraces Faqr is blessed with the wealth of divine closeness.”
Sultan Mohammad Asghar Ali emphasized that the practice of Faqr enables a person to purify their soul and elevate their spiritual state. By renouncing the pursuit of material wealth and focusing solely on the remembrance of Allah, one can reach a higher state of spiritual awareness. He taught that Faqr does not mean abandoning the world but rather living in the world without letting it consume the heart.
Reviving the Path of Faqr in the Modern World
In an age dominated by materialism, consumerism, and the relentless pursuit of wealth, Sultan Mohammad Asghar Ali (RA) dedicated his life to reviving the spiritual path of Faqr. He understood that the modern world, with its distractions and temptations, posed significant challenges to those seeking a closer relationship with Allah. Through his teachings and personal example, he showed that it was possible to live a life of spiritual devotion, even in a time when the focus was primarily on worldly gains.
Sultan Mohammad Asghar Ali was not only a spiritual leader but also a reformer who recognized the importance of adapting the eternal truths of Islam to the changing times. His mission was to show that the core principles of Faqr, such as humility, selflessness, and devotion to Allah, were not only relevant but essential for the modern world.
“The path of Faqr,” he would say, “is a path of love, humility, and complete submission to Allah. In the modern world, where ego and materialism rule, Faqr brings the soul back to its true purpose—divine servitude.”
Spiritual Reformation and Revival of the Ummah
Sultan Mohammad Asghar Ali (RA) believed that the revival of the Ummah (Muslim community) could only come through a return to the spiritual essence of Islam, which is embodied in Faqr. He was deeply concerned with the spiritual decline he observed in the Muslim world, where religious rituals were often performed without true understanding or connection to the divine. For him, the outward observance of religious practices was not enough; what mattered most was the inner state of the heart.
“The true essence of Islam lies not in outward rituals but in the purification of the heart and the love of Allah,” he would remind his followers. “Without Faqr, the soul remains trapped in the darkness of ego and desires. It is only through Faqr that one can attain the light of divine presence.”
Sultan Mohammad Asghar Ali (RA) emphasized that the solution to the Ummah’s problems—whether social, moral, or spiritual—was a return to the teachings of the Holy Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) and the path of Faqr. He often cited the Prophet’s own life as the highest example of Faqr, highlighting how the Prophet (PBUH) lived with simplicity, humility, and unwavering devotion to Allah, despite being the leader of a great nation.
Through his spiritual gatherings and discourses, Sultan Mohammad Asghar Ali reignited the flame of Faqr in the hearts of Muslims, encouraging them to reconnect with the true essence of their faith. His teachings have had a lasting impact, with many seekers finding solace and guidance on the path of spiritual poverty through his words.
Training of Devotees: A Legacy of Spiritual Mastery
One of Sultan Mohammad Asghar Ali’s most significant contributions to the revival of Faqr was his training of disciples who would continue his mission. He personally mentored and guided many devoted individuals on the spiritual path, teaching them the subtleties of Faqr and how to navigate the challenges of modern life while remaining steadfast in their devotion to Allah.
Among his greatest spiritual successors is Sultan-ul-Ashiqeen Sultan Mohammad Najib-ur-Rehman, who has carried forward Sultan Mohammad Asghar Ali’s mission with remarkable devotion and insight. Under the guidance of Sultan Mohammad Asghar Ali, Sultan-ul-Ashiqeen has spread the teachings of Faqr to thousands, ensuring that the spiritual legacy of his master continues to thrive in the modern world.
Sultan Mohammad Asghar Ali (RA) was known for his humility and deep compassion for his followers. He spent countless hours guiding them through their spiritual challenges, offering wisdom, encouragement, and sometimes stern advice when necessary. His followers recall how he would emphasize the importance of regular spiritual practices, such as Dhikr (remembrance of Allah), Muraqaba (meditation), and Ihsan (spiritual excellence), as essential tools for purifying the heart and attaining closeness to Allah.
The Mission of Sultan Mohammad Asghar Ali (RA): Spreading the Light of Faqr
Sultan Mohammad Asghar Ali (RA) dedicated his life to spreading the light of Faqr not only through personal mentorship but also by establishing a formal movement, Tehreek Dawat-e-Faqr. This movement was designed to promote the teachings of Faqr and make them accessible to all Muslims, regardless of their social status or background.
His vision was to create a spiritual revival within the Ummah, where individuals would return to the core teachings of Islam—humility, love of Allah, and selfless service to humanity. He emphasized that Faqr was the means by which Muslims could rid themselves of the distractions of the material world and focus on their spiritual journey.
“Faqr is not just for the chosen few,” he would say. “It is a path open to all who sincerely seek Allah. Through Faqr, we realize that everything we have comes from Allah, and our only true wealth lies in His closeness.”
Sultan Mohammad Asghar Ali’s mission continues to flourish today, with thousands of followers worldwide embracing the path of Faqr. His teachings have transcended borders and cultures, touching the hearts of people who seek a deeper, more meaningful connection with their Creator.