Dhikr, or the remembrance of Allah, is an integral practice in Faqr, the spiritual path of detachment from worldly attachments and complete reliance on Allah. It is not merely a ritual of verbal recitation but a transformative act that purifies the heart and elevates the soul. The Quran highlights its importance, stating, “Verily, in the remembrance of Allah do hearts find rest” (Surah Ar-Ra’d, 13:28). Dhikr is the foundation upon which the seeker builds a deep connection with the Divine, aligning their thoughts, actions, and desires with Allah’s will.

In the teachings of Sultan Bahoo, a luminary of Faqr, dhikr is described as the bridge to Divine knowledge (Marifat). Through consistent remembrance, the seeker progresses towards annihilation in Allah (Fana fi Allah), the ultimate goal of Faqr. This state of spiritual elevation dissolves the ego, allowing the seeker to embody Divine attributes. Dhikr, particularly the focus on Ism-e-Allah Zaat (the personal name of Allah), plays a crucial role in this transformation, serving as a light that dispels the darkness of ignorance and self-centeredness.
Dhikr takes various forms in Faqr, including verbal repetition, silent meditation, and contemplative practices, each tailored to the seeker’s spiritual stage. Regardless of the method, its purpose remains the same: to purify the heart, awaken Divine love, and strengthen faith. By engaging in dhikr, the seeker transcends worldly distractions and aligns their inner self with the eternal presence of Allah. It provides spiritual solace, a sense of purpose, and clarity in navigating life’s challenges.
In today’s chaotic and materialistic world, dhikr offers a haven for seekers striving to reconnect with their Creator. It fosters mindfulness, inner peace, and contentment, qualities often lost in the pursuit of worldly success. For the follower of Faqr, dhikr is both the path and the destination—a continuous practice that nurtures a profound bond with Allah, ultimately unveiling the spiritual treasures of closeness to Him. Sultan Bahoo’s teachings remind us that without dhikr, the journey to Divine proximity remains incomplete.