Islamic mystical poetry is a powerful way to express spirituality. It acts as a bridge between the seeker and the Divine, helping people connect with their Lord in a deep way. The mystical words of Sufis are divine, touching the hearts of those who hear them. Words that reach the heart have a stronger impact than long teachings of scholars.
Throughout history, mystics have used their unique language to share the teachings of Faqr (spiritual poverty) and Divine Love, inspiring many people. Some famous names who represent this tradition include Hazrat Sultan Bahoo, Maulana Rumi, Hazrat Allama Ibn Arabi, Allama Iqbal, Khawaja Ghulam Farid, Baba Bulleh Shah, Baba Farid-ud-din Ganj Shakar, and others. These great figures used poetry not only to teach, but also to awaken the spirit. Their poetry still inspires people and is enjoyed in Sufi gatherings today.
Sufi poetry does more than we think; it also reveals the secrets of the Divine while pointing out the weaknesses in society. These words wake up the soul, encouraging people to rise from their spiritual sleep and come closer to their Lord. They serve as a call to reflect on one’s life and relationship with the Divine.
Books like Abyat Bahoo, compiled by Sultan ul Ashiqeen, keep alive the deep poetry of Hazrat Sultan Bahoo and are published by Sultan ul Faqr Publications. Another important book, Kalam Mashaikh Sarwari Qadri, collects the poetry of all the Sheikhs of the Sarwari Qadri order, from Sultan Bahoo to Sultan-ul-Far 6 Sultan Mohammad Asghar Ali. These books are not just artistic works; they are spiritual guides that help seekers grow on their journey and understand how to improve their inner state.
Sufi poets show their spiritual states through their poetry, which reveals both their spiritual journey and their deep connection with the Divine.Sufis invite others to start their own journey of self-discovery and closeness to the Divine.